From the London Eye, the city stretches forever

London is not only a global hub, but an international symbol for Britain’s status in the world as a customary culture of old and new values.  Today’s celebration of the Queen’s birthday is a perfect showcase of how Britain still has a love for its monarchy.  The Queen stands for the old world principles outlined in any history book, regimenting when the Kingdom was the leader of world.  I can even remember the recent wedding; the very extreme coverage the media went through, having entire hours designated to just a family’s wedding ceremony. They have successfully used their status and history as a royal family to invoke an interest that transcripts into their nation’s pop culture.  The Queen is something of a celebrity who is treated with a large amount of respect.  Just seeing the crowds fully summed up how a single person’s presence has profound impact.  Cameras fired away as the famous family flew by, stamping their place in the history books as historical figures.

The royal guards don’t slack off 

History has a powerful impact of media.  The Tower of London and its treasured crown jewels captured the historical elements that define England and its popularity.  The stories that everybody know are just early forms of soap operas, with back stabbings and affairs.  They showcase plots that would be used Shakespeare, Game of Thrones, and really any story involving power or greed.  This well-known format allows for England to capitalize through its own bloody history.  The place was flocked with tourists eager to see the power of the Empire that never sets under the sun.  I can understand why.  The power of London and England is immense and appealing.  History is always a stage to be watched.

Timeline of British Monarchy

The Tower of London presents the good and bad in the British monarchy